Lacagta loo yaqaan ‘Cryptocurrency’ ee bulshada casriga ah waxay noqotay qayb muhiim ah oo aan ahayn oo kaliya qaybta hoose ee qarsoodiga internetka iyo degsiimooyinka wadaagga ah, laakiin sidoo kale ku habboon, iyo tan ugu muhiimsan, hab ammaan ah oo lagu helo, kaydiyo oo lagu wareejiyo lacagaha. Sidaa darteed, tan, is-weydaarsiga gaarka ah ee loo yaqaan ‘crypto-exchanges’ ayaa diiradda lagu saaray la shaqeynta lacagaha ‘crypto-currencies’. Tilmaamaha ugu muhiimsan ee shaqadooda waa amniga sare ee macaamilada, kaydinta hantida hantida iyo tiro badan oo ah lammaane ganacsi iyo tilmaamo dheeraad ah oo lagu sameeyo faa’iido. Maqaalkani waxa uu ka kooban yahay xuduudaha ugu muhiimsan ee ay tahay inaad fiiro gaar ah u yeelato markaad dooranayso sarrifka crypto ee ganacsiga iyo maalgashiga.
Goobaha ganacsiga ee dib u eegistayada waxaa lagu doortay si waafaqsan xuduudaha soo socda:
Darajo | Magaca Isdhaafsiga | Xog | Gunnada | Bilow Maalgelinta |
1 | Komishanka: $1 | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
2 | Komishanka: $1-3 | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
3 | Komishanka: $1-3 | Soo gal Dib u eegis | ||
4 | Komishanka: 2-5% | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
5 | Komishanka: $0-5 | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
6 | Komishanka: 0% | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
7 | Komishanka: 3-12% | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
8 | Komishanka: $0-1 | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
9 | Komishanka: $1-3 | Soo gal Dib u eegis | ||
10 | Komishanka: 0,0001 ВТС | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
11 | Komishanka: 2-8% | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
12 | Komishanka: ¥407-1018 | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
13 | Komishanka: 0,1-0,2% | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
14 | Komishanka: 0,1% | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
15 | Komishanka: 1-50$ | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
16 | Komishanka: 0-2% | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
17 | Komishanka: 0-5.50% | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis | |
18 | Komishanka: 0-0.50% | Dalab Gaar ah | Soo gal Dib u eegis |
Sidee sarrifka cryptocurrency u shaqeeyaan
Isweydaarsiga Crypto waxay u shaqeeyaan sida sarrifka lacagaha dhabta ah ee New York ama London, kaliya 100% online.
Dhammaan alaabooyinka waxaa loo qaybiyaa lammaane ganacsi, taas oo ah, iibsashada, tusaale ahaan, BTC waxay u dhacdaa USDT.
Soo jeedinta hadda ee iibsadaha iyo iibiyeyaasha ayaa lagu baahiyaa daaqada ganacsiga, kaas oo qiimaha dhabta ah ee hantida la sameeyay. Tusaale ahaan, BTC waxay ku kacaysaa 45,000 USDT, taas oo macnaheedu yahay in iibiyuhu ogolaado inuu iibiyo qadarka BTC ee lagu tilmaamay nidaamka 45,000 USDT cutubkiiba. Iibsaduhu wuxuu haystaa fursad uu ku iibsado qaddarka loo yaqaan ‘crypto’ ee iibka ah si waafaqsan amarka.
Waxaa jira farqi u dhexeeya is-weydaarsiga cryptocurrency iyo ganacsi dhaqameed – lahaanshaha dhabta ah ee hantida.
Forex Classic waxay ku lug leedahay khatar ganacsi kasta haddii qiimuhu ka hor yimaado ganacsadaha. Marka qiimuhu ka soo horjeedo meel furan, faa’iidada waxay gashaa dhul taban iyo haddii amarka joojinta aan la dejin, waxay burburin kartaa dhammaan deebaajiga ganacsadaha.
Cryptocurrency trading is a transaction between a seller and a buyer, which is guaranteed by a crypto exchange, for its own commission. When buying BTC, the trader becomes the owner of the purchased asset, for example, 1 BTC coin and can do whatever he wants with it:
- Sell;
- Exchange for another asset;
- Buy something for it at retail outlets that accept crypto;
- Keep as much as you want on the exchange account;
- Withdraw for storage on a cold wallet.
After the purchase of a crypto asset, it remains with the holder permanently, regardless of the rise or fall in its price. Cryptocurrency, even with the wrong investment time, allows you to safely sit out periods of price drawdown, and then profitably sell at new peaks.
Rating of the best cryptocurrency exchanges – TOP 10
The ranking does not mean that Kraken is the worst or any other platform is better in everything. Each platform is better in several areas, while in others the conditions are weaker than competitors. The choice of a cryptocurrency exchange depends on the goals of the trader. For frequent transactions, the one where the one-time commission is less is suitable, for investments – offers with a large percentage, and so on.
Where to buy cryptocurrency
The purchase of a cryptocurrency is necessary not only for investment purposes, for example, on cold wallets, but also in a situation where one of the parties to the transaction accepts only cryptocurrencies as payment, or the cryptocurrency exchange you chose to place on accepts only digital tokens, without fiat deposit options:
- Another cryptocurrency exchange . For those who hold assets on several sites. You can deposit funds on Binance in a large number of ways and in any currency, both through the exchange machine of the crypto exchange itself, and through transactions with other users. After receiving the coins, they must be sent to the address of another exchange;
- Exchange machines and services . Here, the purchase takes place, as in the currency exchanger we are used to, there is a current rate fixed at the time of the transaction, we pay for the currency that is available and we receive the required number of coins directly to the crypto exchange wallet (if it supports such transfers). There are also full-fledged exchange services where transactions take place in a semi-automatic or manual mode. Here you need to trust large, authorized sites.
- Transactions P 2 P . Exchange, but directly involved in exchange transactions between private clients. A number of cryptocurrency exchanges have implemented this method of buying/selling crypto. The transaction takes place using orders to buy or sell coins, or fiat money at a fixed rate. The buyer pays the amount of the transaction, the seller sends the crypt.
How we rank the best crypto exchanges
The ranking consists of a large number of variables, and the crypto exchanges at the top of the list are more “balanced” with respect to all of these variables.
For the crypto industry, with its anonymity and difficulty in tracking transactions, security is key.
Security includes not only identity verification, but also authorization of devices and locations for work. This includes two-factor authentication, SMS or email confirmation.
For exchanges that offer anonymity to users, the risk of account hacking is higher, since there is no way to prove that the withdrawal was made by the owner of the account, but they also have additional anonymous “verification” tools.
Security of funds storage. One of the key issues that you should pay attention to when opening accounts. Crypto exchanges have implemented secure storage of coins in cold storage, excluding hacking or remote control. Online accounts contain only funds to cover current deposits and withdrawals among clients. Companies form insurance funds from profits, so that customers actually lose nothing even with a hack, except for confidence in the chosen exchange.
Each cryptocurrency exchange is also a wallet for storing and handling funds. A number of sites divide assets between those that a trader operates in transactions, invested and those that are available at any time for withdrawal or payment for goods/services.
The reliability of such wallets directly depends on the platform policy and on the security options that the user has activated.
In view of competition, companies are constantly expanding functionality and offering new perks and options for earning and investing.
Example. Automatic investment system in Binance , deducting money from the specified account to buy the selected asset at any price. The scheme of periodic fractional investment has been operating since the beginning of the 19th century and has again proved its worth .
Since each crypto investor or trader sees his future differently, it is impossible to describe all the functionality in one material and compare all the pros and cons.
Course notifications
A timely notification of a sharp price movement will allow you to buy cheaper, for investment or speculation. Or exit the trade when the situation becomes incomprehensible.
Notifications can be configured both for the selected asset and for the percentage price movement. For example, a notification about all assets whose price has changed by more than 10% per day.
Mobile version and application
Without mobility, profitable work in the modern market is impossible. Notice of unusual exchange rate movement may occur at any time. An important point is the security of the device itself and the need to constantly keep the application downloaded, or be authorized in it. This question remains on the user’s conscience, since there are cases when assets are transferred from a found or stolen phone to anonymous wallets.
The cryptocurrency industry is the future that everyone will face in one way or another. The choice of an exchange for investment or speculation is an individual matter, in addition, no one forbids having accounts at least on all sites at once.
Study trading platforms according to our reviews and guides and profitable work is guaranteed to you.